Updating Student Classroom Assignments
The easiest way to update your contact information and get quick access to the FOW Directory no matter where you are is using the Membership Toolkit App
Imagine a scenario where you run into another Winthrop grown-up at the park but you can't remember their name. Your child yells "Jane" as they run over to play with the schoolmate. If you can find a discrete moment, you can pull up the Membership Toolkit App, search for "Jane," and probably figure out the name of the grown-up who is with them.
Having in-your-pocket access to the Directory can be very handy!
The Membership Toolkit App Directory is a great tool for reaching out to other families to make playdates. Using the app you can also access parts of the FOW website with many improvements planned for this summer.
Remember, our communications are only as good as the information you provide!
If you encounter any problems with this website or if updates are needed, please contact friendsofwinthrop@gmail.com.
Downloading the Friends of Winthrop App (Membership Toolkit)
- Search for 'Membership Toolkit' in your App Store.
- Login using your FOW Website credentials.
- Select Friends of Winthrop.
Updating your Classroom Assignment using the App
- Open the App.
- Click on Family Information.
- Update any information that needs to be changed.
- Click on Next Step.
- Check your Student Information. (Students have already been promoted to the next grade level.)
- Choose the Classroom Teacher for each of your students.
- Add any additional Students.
- There are now some 'To Be Assigned' options, just in case, as this has been a necessity for some families in the past. (Pre-K - To Be Assigned, K - To Be Assigned, Other Grade - To Be Assigned)
- We will reach out to anyone who chooses a 'To Be Assigned' option in the future to remind them to update their information. (For example, after Kindergarten assignments are made.)
Updating your Privacy Information using the App
- Open the App.
- Click on Directory & Publish Preferences.
- Choose if you want your information published in the FOW Directory. (Please note that this is separate from the Elementary Directory that will be published later in the summer/early in the fall.)
- Specify what information you wish to publish using the checkmarks.
- Review the PTA Student Information and Image Consent options.
- Click on Save.
Finding your Student's Classmates using the Directory on the App
- Open the App.
- Click on Directory.
- Click on the filter icon on the top right.
- Click on Choose Teacher and select the Classroom. (If you are looking immediately after an update email was sent, these might take a while for other families to update.)
Advanced: How to Change the Name of the Membership Toolkit App
If you are concerned you might not be able to remember how to search for the Friends of Winthrop App, since it is named Membership Toolkit by default, consider changing the name of the app to 'Friends of Winthrop FOW.'
- Instructions for Apple Products
- Save the FOW Tree image to the right to your Photos.
- Find the Shortcuts App on your iOS or iPadOS device (or download it from the App Store).
- Click on the + on the top right.
- Select Open App.
- Tap on the blue letters App.
- Search or find Membership and select the Membership Toolkit app.
- Click on Open App at the very top center.
- Select Rename.
- Rename the App. Recommended: Friends of Winthrop FOW for easy searching of either term.
- Click on Done.
- Click on Friends of Winthrop FOW at the very top center select Add to Home Screen.
- Click on the Icon to the right of Friends of Winthrop FOW and Choose Photo.
- Find the FOW Tree image and click on Choose.
- Click on Add on the top right.
- Click on Done on the top right.
- Now you should be able to search for "friends" or "fow" to easily find the app.
- Instructions for Android coming soon!
Updating your Classroom Assignment using the Website
- Go to www.friendsofwinthrop.com.
- Log into your account.
- Click on My Account.
- Click on Family Information.
- Update any information that needs to be changed.
- Click on Next Step.
- Check your Student Information. (Students have already been promoted to the next grade level.)
- Choose the Classroom Teacher for each of your students.
- Add any additional Students.
- There are now some 'To Be Assigned' options, just in case, as this has been a necessity for some families in the past. (Pre-K - To Be Assigned, K - To Be Assigned, Other Grade - To Be Assigned)
- We will reach out to anyone who chooses a 'To Be Assigned' option in the future to remind them to update their information. (For example, after Kindergarten assignments are made.)
Updating your Privacy Information on the Website
- Go to www.friendsofwinthrop.com.
- Log into your account.
- Click on My Account.
- Click on Directory & Publish Preferences.
- Choose if you want your information published in the FOW Directory. (Please note that this is separate from the Elementary Directory that will be published later in the summer/early in the fall.)
- Specify what information you wish to publish using the checkmarks.
- Review the PTA Student Information and Image Consent options.
- Click on Save.
Finding your Student's Classmates using the Directory on the Website
- Go to www.friendsofwinthrop.com.
- Log into your account.
- Click on Resources and choose Directory from the dropdown menu.
- Click on Teacher and select the Classroom. (If you are looking immediately after an update email was sent, these might take a while for other families to update.)