Are you looking for specific information about Winthrop Elementary?
While there are a number of useful links on the Winthrop Elementary and Hamilton Wenham Regional School District websites that are not linked here, we have tried to highlight some of the information we are asked about the most.
Please consider looking here if you are having trouble finding something about Winthrop Elementary or the Hamilton Wenham Regional School District.
Table of Contents
Human Resources Forms for Volunteers
HWRSD Health Office (includes current COVID-19 Information)
Hamilton Wenham Regional School District INFORMATION
5 School St
Wenham, MA 01984
Phone: (978) 468-5310
To Whom Do I Direct My Question? (Problem Solving Quick Guide)
District Central Office Staff Directory
2022-2023 School Year Calendar (.pdf)
Human Resources Forms for Volunteers
CORI (.pdf)
Required to volunteer at the schools
Good for 3 years
Fingerprinting (.pdf)
UPDATE: Please note that the contact person is not correct, the current contact person is Janell Carleo
Required to assist with field trips and Field Day
Encouraged if volunteering regularly
Good for at least 7 years, possibly more, check with Janell Carleo
Cost is $35 for parent volunteers
Information needed to submit as a parent volunteer:
Agency/Sector: Pre-K-12th Grade Education (ESE)
Fingerprint Reason: All Other School Person
Provider ID: 06750000, click on Add Provider, confirm Hamilton-Wenham is populated
Closest location to Winthrop Elementary is:
Danvers - Newbury St
Northeast Test Centers
89 Newbury St Ste 205 (2nd floor)
Danvers, MA 01923
HWRSD Health Office (includes current COVID-19 Information)
Other Useful Links
School Closing and Delay Policy
Field Trip Policy (.pdf)
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)
Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards
Hamilton Wenham Integrated Preschool
Free and Reduced Lunch Information and Application
School Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Handouts
Principal: Carolyn Shediac
325 Bay Road
Hamilton, MA 01982
Phone: (978) 468-5340
Secretary: Donna Brockenbrough
Probably the most important school contact for general information
Donna usually picks up phone calls to the general phone number
Safe Arrival: (978) 468-5344 - if your child will be absent or tardy
School Nurse: Jessica Baker, R.N., (978) 468-5346
Winthrop School Committee Liaison: Amy Kunberger, Term: 2022-2025
School Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
8:15 AM supervision outside classrooms - 8:25 AM students enter
2:57 PM dismissal for students
8:15 AM supervision outside classrooms - 8:25 AM students enter
12:45 PM dismissal for students
Some Useful Winthrop Links
Aspen Portal - student information, family and emergency contacts, report cards, etc
Family/Student Handbook (.pdf)
School Supplies by Grade Level (.pdf)
School Closing and Delay Policy
Field Trip Policy (.pdf)
MCAS Schedule (when updated)
Salter Transportation Issues (Stops, Routes, Pick up & Drop offs):, (978) 462-6433
HW Escalation, Questions or Concerns:
Bus Routes (.pdf)
Winthrop Library Media Center
Food Services
Food Services Director: Wendy Ng
Elementary Lunch Menu (link can be found in the box on the top right of the page)
Not necessary for 2022-2023 since there are universal free meals for 2022-2023
Can be used for purchasing a la carte items or snacks
Free and Reduced Lunch Information and Application
Friends of Winthrop Website
Update your FOW Directory Information
Update What is Published in Your FOW Directory Entry
What are we missing? Is something incorrect on this page? Did you find something that needs updating? Please let us know about links or information that would be helpful to you! Please email
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Tuesday, February 25
- Thursday, February 27
- Tuesday, March 4
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 10
- Thursday, March 20
- Thursday, April 3
- Monday, April 7
- Monday, April 14
- Thursday, April 17